Proposal Details

Proposal #256


Proposal title

Store Wasm Code: Non-Custodial NFT Loans

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #256 description

Upload Stargaze NFT Loans NC v0.4.0

This proposal is to store the Stargaze version of the on-chain loans contract, with AtlasDAO core team granted instantiate permissions.

The source code is available at:

Features of the loans contract include:

  • Create listings of nfts as collateral, permissionlessly.
  • Create loan term offers on collateral listings.
  • Accept or reject loan term offers.
  • Hold collateral in escrow until repayment of fees.
  • Upon loan repayment, collateral returned to owner
  • Default function upon failure to repay loan within agreed upon timeframe.
  • Admin controlled contract config
  • Governance override contract lock via SudoMsg
  • Static fee to create a loan listing
  • Repaid interest tax % enforced

Compile Instructions

docker run --rm -v \$(pwd)\:/code \\ --mount type=volume,source=\$(basename \$(pwd)\)_cache\,target=/target \\ --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \\ cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0

determine the checksum

sha256sum artifacts/nft_loans_nc.wasm

This results in the following SHA256 checksum:

31fa695f6715cedcfd763d2ef4fc239fe2ab8ea20998069a5689b209741dd9bf nft_loans_nc.wasm

Verify code

starsd q gov proposal $id --output json \\ | jq -r '.content.wasm_byte_code' \\ | base64 -d \\ | gzip -dc \\ | sha256sum

Proposal #256 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
25,000 STARS