Proposal Details

Proposal #236


Proposal title

Whitelist the Enterprise App

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #236 description

This proposal is to add the address stars1vea0v32r2f5pd6fz2uctzd63yfwnudhwuek8zmd0f2na9sahy8csexj2dy to the team whitelist. Whitelisting this address will give the Terraform Labs (TFL) team permission to upload the contracts necessary to enable Enterprise treasuries on Stargaze. Enterprise will provide the Stargaze community with top-notch tooling for DAO governance and treasury management, making it easy for apps and communities to grow and scale on-chain. As the premier community-focused blockchain for NFTs, Stargaze is ideal for Enterprise, as it will allow all Enterprise DAOs to access Stargaze’s NFT minting and trading tools, which will bring increased transaction volumes and on-chain engagement to Stargaze. The corresponding forum post can be found here:

Proposal #236 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
50,000 STARS