Proposal Details

Proposal #234


Proposal title

Discontinue the Pablo Dex Incentives

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #234 description

As discussed here


I propose to discontinue the incentives provided for the STARS/DOT pool on Despite a month of incentivization with 2M STARS, the pool has not met its primary objective of attracting new users from the Polkadot ecosystem to Stargaze.

Context and Background

  • Analysis of IBC transactions shows that all addresses that participated were already Stargaze users, indicating no new user acquisition from the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • The STARS/DOT pool's trading volume has been comparatively low, averaging $510.8 daily.

  • The pool's performance is lackluster compared to STARS' trading volumes on platforms like Osmosis and Kujira. The STARS allocated for incentivizing the STARS/DOT pool could be more effectively used in other viable pools.

Details of the above can be seen in the Commonwealth post.


The incentive's primary goal was to facilitate liquidity and volume flow between Cosmos and DotSama while attracting new STARS holders from the DotSama ecosystem, which it has failed to achieve.

Given the current data and performance metrics, continuing the incentive seems inefficient and not in alignment with the intended purpose.

Action Plan

Upon approval of this proposal, the Stargaze community requests that Composable Finance discontinue the incentives for the STARS/DOT pool on Pablo DEX. The remaining funds should be either transferred back to the original incentive multisig or directly to the community pool.


Vote YES on this proposal to discontinue the STARS incentives on Pablo DEX and reclaim the remaining tokens.

Vote NO to continue the STARS incentives on Pablo DEX.

Proposal #234 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
50,000 STARS