Proposal Details

Proposal #200


Proposal title

MantaDAO - Stargaze token swap

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #200 description

MantaDAO is seeking $50,000 of STARS from the Stargaze Community Pool as a token swap in exchange for $50,000 of MNTA (the exchange ratio will be based on 20-day TWAP). MantaDAO will pair the received $50,000 STARS with an additional $50,000 of MNTA from its treasury to be provided as liquidity on BOW in the STARS/MNTA pair. Likewise, we propose that the Stargaze Community Pool pairs the received $50,000 MNTA with an additional $50,000 STARS from its treasury which is provided as liquidity on BOW in the STARS/MNTA pair. If accepted, this proposal will greatly increase liquidity for STARS on Kujira, and facilitate several liquidity routes through the STARS/MNTA pair. In particular, this would enable traders to swap STARS for axlUSDC, USK, ATOM and KUJI at very low slippage via MantaSwapโ€™s multi-hop router. This is made possible by routing trades via the $100k MNTA/KUJI LP owned by MantaDAO which acts as an intermediary step to the deepest KUJI pools on FIN (e.g. to trade STARS for axlUSDC, the route would be STARS<>MNTA<>KUJI<>axlUSDC). This proposal will result in a total of $200k in liquidity for the STARS/MNTA pair on BOW, and $100k in revenue-generating POL for both the Stargaze Community Pool and MantaDAO. The full text of the proposal is here: Recipient address is the 3/5 multisig on Stargaze, built as a part of Execution process, Stage 2. Multisig address: Multisig UI: Members of the multisig are: stars1ay2e2mgmdzkcp7we97v2aarjdh30nz4kesad3d - Mike Richards, founder of MantaDAO, stars1fcjfkaxndx26zua4k6vfca8vnrayt23c0z53qd - s3drik, Narwhal Security validator, stars1jume25ttjlcaqqjzjjqx9humvze3vcc8qf2kwl - Gelotto validator, stars1n9uxw8r2nnfcrwhwt5q3gu285ppgmansy9nkwn - Vladimir GG aka Qwerto Alivus, MantaDAO contributor, stars1tn84uta3qhhk3fphcwydktpjlq6akgw3v3tjfd - Golden Ratio Staking validator. The requested amount of 9,922,514 STARS was calculated on a TWAP basis:

Proposal #200 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
50,000 STARS