Proposal Details

Proposal #191


Proposal title

ICS721 Super Team

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Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #191 description

ICS721 Super Team

Summary: ICS721 is a critical piece of infrastructure both for Stargaze and for the Cosmos as a whole. ICS721 enables transfers of NFTs between chains and with the help of Gravity Bridge will allow Stargaze to transfer NFTs from Ethereum.

Recently with the completion of Game of NFTs phase II, three winners were announced. The submissions were absolutely stellar! The goal of this proposal is to fund each of the winners to bring their solutions to mainnet. Once all solutions are brought to mainnet, Stargaze will have fully functional NFT transfers not only between Cosmos chains but also to and from Ethereum.

Once this proposal passes, all three teams will work as a team to integrate their projects into Stargaze. Humanalgorithm from Stargaze will act as product manager for this initiative.

Information on the Three Projects All three winners have working demos up in Dora Hacks:

#1 ERC721 NFT Transfers from Ethereum to Stargaze       • Project Description: Transfers NFTs from Ethereum to Gravity Bridge and then to Stargaze       • Project link:       • Team name: Empower Chain       • Team Members: Gjermund Garaba and Jakub Kobeldys

#2 Incentives and Fees for NFT Transfers       • Project Description: This project sets up proxy contracts before the ICS721 bridge so that incentives can be paid for incoming NFTs and fees imposed for outgoing NFTs. These proxy contracts can be combined to produce the functionality we need such as rate limiting and collection filtering. This is critical to the implementation as it will allow Stargaze to A) incentivize projects to come on chain and 2) govern the rate of transfers for NFT collections by the creator's preference       • Project link:       • Team Name: Ark Protocol       • Team Members: Mr T, art3mix, tatsen, m3rlin5ky, Crypto_Scotty_420

#3 Stargaze Themed UI for ICS721 transfers       • Project Name: UI for ICS721 Transfers matching the Stargaze black and pink theme       • Project link:       • Team Name: CronCat       • Team Members: Trevor and Ravi

Funding Requested:       • $60k USD total broken down as follows:       • $30k USD for ERC721 transfer team (Empower)       • $20k USD Incentives and fees team (Ark Protocol)       • $10k USD for ICS721 UI (CronCat)

Multisig address: stars1fmm9curyv3k7htx92h93ktuh4fcpyse4ry8m6m

Multisig link:

Multisig members:       • Alkadeta, Validator - stars16fy0syyjnrxk4nmj3pddat5e6ezgcr58pxdg04       • Humanalgorithm, Stargaze Core Team - stars1z4gx3lymjkgclw9x2fdpuchu8v46c54tymeckr       • Ruwan, Stargaze Core Team - stars1gd4xlwv34t0chqtcftnc49x2pc7atlcut8r689       • Serkan, Stargaze Core Team - stars15smlnkdjd85lrlf6lvjgj9tvnx59urapqr48sl       • Zerk, Rekt Gang - stars1pwha5a3hr55wmmur2d4fm0p8rf7q62wn7lml9k

Funding Distribution: Each team will receive 1/3 of the award on the 1st of the month for 3 months. The 3 payment dates will be September 1st, October 1st, November 1st.

#1 ERC721 transfer team, $10k paid three times.       • Total STARS payout as of 7/12/2023 30 day moving avg: 2653223

#2 Incentives and fees team, $6.66k paid three times       • Total STARS payout as of 7/12/2023 30 day moving avg: 1768815

#3 ICS721 UI team, $3.33 paid three times       • Total STARS payout as of 7/12/2023 30 day moving avg: 884407

Timeline for Implementation       • Empower team has quoted a delivery date of November 1st 2023, this is the module that will take longer than any of the others.       • ICS721 between chains with proxy contracts is likely to be delivered sooner in September 2023       • The UI can be developed the fastest, but needs to wait for the above back end contracts to be implemented

Proposal #191 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
50,000 STARS