Proposal Details

Proposal #164


Proposal title

Deploy PixelWizards cw-wager contract

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #164 description

Summary - Store WASM Code

cw-wager matches owners of Pixel Wizards NFTs looking to make a bet on which of two crypto token assets will surge the most in price (by percentage points) in a specified amount of time. More info about the game available on Medium.

Querying the contract

  • Wagers { } returns all currently running wagers
  • Wager { token: u64 } returns a wager the specified token is involved in
  • TokenStatus { token: u64 } returns if a token is in a wager or the matchmaking pool
  • Matchmaking { } returns all tokens currently in the matchmaking pool
  • Config { } returns the current configuration of the contract

Wagering against other assets using cw-wager

cw-wager matches owners of Pixel Wizards NFTs looking to make a bet on which of two assets will surge the most in price (by percentage points) in a specified amount of time.

Both parties must have bet the same amount (available in increments determined at instantiation). The winner of the wager gains all of the funds deposited, minus a set percentage for service fees and fair burn, both of which are set at instantiation and can be updated by the contract admin.

Party 1 submit their intentions to start a wager to the contract, which matches them immediately if another party's submission matches their specific conditions. If none are available, Party 1 is added to the matchmaking pool, and their wager will be started when a suitable opponent is found. The time in seconds for a matchmaking item to expire can be set at instantiation.


  • has a $STARS Pixel Wizard and wants to bet against $OSMO or $JUNO for 30m.
  • stars1...9fg has a $JUNO Pixel Wizard and wants to bet against $STARS, $OSMO or $BTC for 30m.

The contract will match both of these users, and a cosmjs agent will determine the winner of the wager based on data made publicly available by the Pixel Wizards Knowledge API, with prices pulled every two minutes from Coingecko's API.



Testnet deployment




81d325cc6c8188b702fef5b058afd13248e218ca902bc7b9f9d8ebac20fc8265 cw_wager-aarch64.wasm

Proposal #164 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
20,000 STARS