Proposal Details

Proposal #147


Proposal title

Funding for Confio, developers of CosmWasm

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #147 description


$18,000 in $STARS for three months of public goods funding to Confio to maintain Cosmwasm, the smart contract engine that powers Stargaze. The request is for 1,080,000 $STARS, any remainder will be returned to the community pool.


Confio team, led by Simon Warta, Ethan Frey, and Martin Worner, is an essential part of the Cosmos ecosystem for everything they have delivered as core developers and support to all teams building, Stargaze included. Cosmwasm, an essential part of Cosmos infrastructure, is maintained by Confio. Recently, the team announced they couldn’t continue building public goods from now on.

Stargaze acknowledges the work Confio has done and will continue to do as stewards of Cosmwasm. The Stargaze Community would like to extend our help to the Confio Team, who currently has 20-30 people.

Cost and Rationale

The proposal is for $18,000 in $STARS for three months of public goods funding to the Confio Team. After those 3 months have passed, a renewal of this proposal may take place. Other Cosmos projects have made similar proposals to their community. The amount requested is equivalent in proportion to other community proposals. This helps Confio continue operations and work on Cosmwasm.

The upside would be getting support from Confio’s invaluable expertise while also helping a project essential to the Cosmos ecosystem. Every mint and trade on Stargaze relies on Cosmwasm to execute.

The Multisig

  • Rob Pellecchia, Figment Capital
  • Jeonghwan, Cosmostation
  • Ömer, alkadeta
  • Ruwan Perera, Stargaze
  • Shane Vitarana, Stargaze

Multisig address: stars1mvc24k0d4trgwlh29z280c4tnede2uxx3rnckh



By voting Yes you agree to spend the Community Pool funds. By voting No you reject spending Community Pool funds.

Proposal #147 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
20,000 STARS