Persistence One


Proposal Details

Proposal #6


Proposal title

Increase Max validatros

Submit time

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Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #6 description

This proposal will increase the active validator set to 100


  • Persistence is gearing up to become the liquid staking hub for the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond. The increasing activity on the chain with launch of pSTAKE-issued stkASSETs on the Persistence Core-1 chain and Cosmwasm-powered applications calls for increasing the number of active validators to 100.
  • Persistence Core-1 was launched with an active set of 50 validators and the active set was expanded to 75 validators through an on-chain governance by Cosmostation in September 2021 (Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation ).
  • Since then the chain has been stable and incident-free. But since the expansion of the active set the Persistence validator community has grown significantly and now the minimum stake required to be an active validator is very high.
  • Other Cosmos-based chains, such as Osmosis and Juno, have already raised the cap to 135 validators, proving that this parameter upgrade is feasible.

What do we propose?

This proposal will increase the number of active validators to 100. This will allow the smaller or new validators to contribute to the Persistence Core-1 chain and attract delegation from the community.

Proposal #6 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
512 XPRT