Proposal Details
Proposal #40
Proposal title
Next leg of XPRT Liquidity Bootstrapping (XLB) incentives on Dexter and Osmosis
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #40 description
Persistence Proposal 21 allocated 1M XPRT from the Ecosystem wallet to bootstrap XPRT liquidity on Dexter and Osmosis. So far, 628,700 XPRT tokens (62.87%) have been used via governance approval. In-depth insights around the use of the incentives, their efficacy, and learnings can be found in the public XPRT Incentives Log
As a result, XPRT is back to being one of the most liquid tokens in Cosmos, with an overall 3X increase in liquidity since the XLB discussion was started. The original goal of Proposal 21 has been achieved.
Considering the above, this proposal suggests an approx. 50% reduction in XLB incentives after the current liquidity incentives end in the coming weeks. This suggestion is also influenced by three other key factors:
- Reducing token incentive spend while growing liquidity
- Striking a balance between staking and LPing XPRT
- Testing the waters with a 30-day period
After putting it up for community discussion on the Persistence Forum, the next leg of XLB incentives from the Persistence Incentivization Multisig is proposed as follows:
- Allocate 55,000 XPRT to ATOM/XPRT on Dexter for 7-day LP bonding over 30 days, starting around 29 August 2023
- Allocate 21,000 XPRT to XPRT/OSMO (Pool #15) on Osmosis for 14-day LP bonding over 30 days, starting around 7 September 2023
Governance Voting
- By voting YES, you agree with the proposed next leg of XLB incentives on Dexter and Osmosis.
- By voting NO, you disagree with the proposed next leg of XLB incentives on Dexter and Osmosis.
- By voting NO WITH VETO, you think this is a SPAM proposal, and the proposal's creator should lose their deposit.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you choose not to participate in this proposal's voting; however, you contribute to the quorum.