Persistence One


Proposal Details

Proposal #25


Proposal title

Change of proposed incentives for ATOM/XPRT-pool on Dexter from 45 to 90 days

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #25 description


In proposal #22, the community approved the following incentive allocations:

  • Allocate 166,667 XPRT to XPRT/OSMO (Pool #15) on Osmosis over 45 days.
  • Allocate 333,333 XPRT to ATOM/XPRT on Dexter over 45 days.

While the first allocation of 166,667 XPRT into the XPRT/OSMO pool on Osmosis was done and incentives have been live, the 333,333 XPRT incentives for the ATOM/XPRT pool on Dexter are yet to be distributed for implementation.

The reason that the multisig members haven't done this latter distribution yet is twofold:

  • There were already XPRT incentives live on that pool, so the initially proposed timing seemed a bit too early
  • Based on the feedback in the Community Tokenomics Working Group, it seems like a lot of tokens to distribute for only 45 days of incentives.


Because of that, it is actually suggested to spread the incentives on the XPRT/ATOM pool on Dexter over 90 days instead of 45days.

This proposition was suggested and supported in this forum post. Of course, if the community wishes to stick to the original plan, then that's fine too.


  • By voting YES, you agree with the proposal to distribute the 333,333 XPRT incentives over 90 days instead of 45 days
  • By voting NO, you choose to stick to the decision of proposal #22 and distribute the 333,333 XPRT incentives over 45 days
  • By voting NO WITH VETO, you think this is a SPAM proposal, and the proposal's creator should lose their deposit.
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you choose not to participate in this proposal's voting; however, you contribute to the quorum.

Proposal #25 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
512 XPRT