Persistence One


Proposal Details

Proposal #1


Proposal title

Increase Persistene active validator set from 50 to 75

Submit time

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Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #1 description

The Persistence ecosystem is expanding at a rapid pace. Since genesis, Persistence has proven to be a reliable network maintained and operated by stable validator nodes across the globe. With the launch of pSTAKE and upcoming releases down the pipeline, more developers and node operators are seeking to participate in the network and contribute to the ecosystem. Cosmostation proposes to increase the active Persistence validator set size from 50 to 75 (MaxValidators=50 to MaxValidators=75). The addition of 25 spots to the active validator set at the current state of the network will be beneficial for healthy participation from the community. Contribution from a more diverse set of validators can strengthen and add more securtiy to the network as the Persistence ecosystem expands. Cosmostation believes that Persistence has reached a level of maturity to begin accepting a larger set of validators as it has proven its stability over the year.

Proposal #1 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
512 XPRT