
Identity service

Proposal Details

Proposal #1


Proposal title

Software Upgrade proposal for cheqd-node v0.4.x

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #1 description

This software upgrade proposal is to upgrade the version of cheqd-node software from v0.3.1 which is currently active on the cheqd network mainnet to v0.4.x Full context and discussion can be done on the cheqd Governance discussion board.

  1. By voting YES on this proposal, the cheqd network mainnet community signal that it accepts v0.4.x to be deployed on cheqd-mainnet-1
  2. By voting NO on this proposal, the cheqd network mainnet community signals that it does not accept the rollout of v0.4.x to be deployed on cheqd-mainnet-1
  3. You may also cast your vote as an Abstain or NoWithVeto Coordination in case of upgrade failure will happen on our Community Slack channel mainnet-node-operators

Proposal #1 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
8,000 CHEQ