Proposal Details
Proposal #1
Proposal title
Software Upgrade proposal for cheqd-node v0.4.x
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #1 description
This software upgrade proposal is to upgrade the version of cheqd-node software from v0.3.1 which is currently active on the cheqd network mainnet to v0.4.x Full context and discussion can be done on the cheqd Governance discussion board.
- By voting YES on this proposal, the cheqd network mainnet community signal that it accepts v0.4.x to be deployed on cheqd-mainnet-1
- By voting NO on this proposal, the cheqd network mainnet community signals that it does not accept the rollout of v0.4.x to be deployed on cheqd-mainnet-1
- You may also cast your vote as an Abstain or NoWithVeto Coordination in case of upgrade failure will happen on our Community Slack channel mainnet-node-operators
Proposal #1 overview
Total votes
Total deposit
8,000 CHEQ