
Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #65


Proposal title

Upgrade to agoric-upgrade-13

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #65 description

This proposal if voted will upgrade the chain to agoric-upgrade-13

Release details

Auto smart-wallet provisioning

  • This feature eliminates a known friction point for users; the need to provision a smart wallet before interacting with contracts on the Agoric chain, by charging for and provisioning a user’s smart wallet as part of their transaction cost on the first transaction they make with an Agoric contract. Specifically, it adds 1 IST to the charged fee during a wallet spend action (e.g., creating a vault on Inter protocol) where no existing smart wallet is detected against the user’s Agoric1 address. The amount is a parameter governed by BLD Stakers.
  • Switching the provision fee to IST also drives a longer term UX goal to ensure users can transact in system only with IST

Interchain stack

  • Agoric smart contracts will soon be able to seamlessly orchestrate activity cross-chain by connecting to the IBC module and managing Interchain Accounts
  • To prepare for this capability, the Agoric chain needs to make a series of incremental upgrades to get to ibc-go V7 by February 2024.
  • This upgrade contains a bump to ibc-go V4 on our pathway to that goal. It entails upgrading tendermint to cometbft 0.34.27, cosmos-sdk to 0.45.16 and ibc-go to 4.5.1



Details of Upgrade Time

The proposal targets the upgrade proposal block to be 13017175, anticipated to be on Dec 21, 2023 1:00PM UTC. Because blocks can occur at irregular intervals, please keep an eye on the Agoric chain for a precise upgrade time.

Proposal #65 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
5,000 BLD