
Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #61


Proposal title

Lower Bundle Cost

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #61 description

As developers we continue to build upon Agoric blockchain's capabilities; however, one pressing challenge that our community faces is the high cost associated with installing bundles on-chain.

Currently, the cost stands at approximately 0.002 IST/byte or $2 per kilobyte (KB) (see DefaultBeansPerStorageByte parameter), a rate that significantly restricts participation and innovation, particularly for developers and projects that require deploying large or numerous smart contracts and applications on Agoric blockchain.

To address the outlined issues and foster a more inclusive and innovative environment, we’d like to propose reducing the cost of installing a bundle on-chain from $2/KB to $0.02/KB.

Proposal #61 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
5,000 BLD