
Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #14


Proposal title

Agoric Community Fund Policy

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #14 description

In order to position the Agoric Community Fund (aka community pool) as a valuable resource to Agoric’s development, some degree of policy would be useful for guiding the funding process and helping to maintain alignment with Agoric’s mission. The Community Fund Policy will make our expectations clear to enable contributors to count on the support that they will need to advance the Agoric mission. While such a policy cannot be enforced by any individual or entity, the aim is to unite Agoric stakers around a common understanding of the Agoric community’s expectations for proposal submission and the criteria that might lead to stakers electing to deny proposals that fail to adequately follow the policy. The policy will be a living document that can (and should) be amended over time to better serve Agoric’s mission.

View the Full Text of the Policy:

Review the Discussion: For more context and insight into the discussion around this proposal, please visit the Agoric Commonwealth and view the thread entitled “For Discussion: A Proposed Agoric Community Fund Policy”:

Proposal #14 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
500 BLD