Proposal Details

Proposal #17


Proposal title

Adding Axelar USDC as a marketplace currency

Submit time

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Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #17 description

This proposal, if passed, will add Axelar USDC bridged from Axelar to the Regen Ecocredit Marketplace allow list, adding it as one of the many currency options in which buyers/sellers may transact.

Adding Axelar USDC will add the framework needed for a seamless onboarding experience targeting Osmosis buyers and sellers, thus covering one of the many use-cases described in discussions by RND and Regen community members.

A YES result on proposal will add USDC.axl to the allow list, represented by the ibc denom: ibc/334740505537E9894A64E8561030695016481830D7B36E6A9B6D13C608B55653

  • A NO result would not add USDC.axl to the allow list

Note: Proposal 16 talked about Osmosis IBC'd axlUSDC while this does not, it is upon community to choose which path they want to follow

Proposal #17 overview

Total votes
Total deposit