Proposal Details
Proposal #63
Proposal title
ATS Smart Contract v1.0.0 Storage Proposal
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Proposal #63 description
This proposal is for an upgrade to the existing ATS Smart Contract. This contract acts as a limit order book which holds the funds required by the orders, and also handles fund settlement upon a trade execution. This version contains gas reductions and optimizes order storage. It also contains many dependency updates including upgrading to provwasm 2.0 and replacing cosmwasm_storage with cw_storage_plus. The contract will be stored with “instantiate everybody” permissions, ensuring that anyone that wants to create their own copy of it can do so. The repository includes documentation on interacting with the contract. Only contracts on v0.16.3 or later can be migrated to v1.0.0. If an instance of the contract is on an older version, it must be migrated to a newer version (v0.16.3 or greater), then upgraded again to v1.0.0.