Proposal Details
Proposal #887
Proposal title
Deploy protocol ETH/BTC Liquidity
Submit time
Deposit end time
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Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #887 description
This proposal would deploy ETH and BTC from the community pool into a Margined liquidity strategy.
Current Liquidity
ETH Liquidity on Osmosis is currently limited. The main ETH/USDC pool has $320k in liquidity, while ETH/BTC has only $18k. Both are incentivized but are failing to attract additional liquidity.
The current emissions to the Volume Splitting Group (VSG) of ETH/BTC and ETH/USDC are 1,956 OSMO per day, a 200%+ subsidy to the swap fees. This is currently the only volatile VSG to which Osmosis emits incentives to at a greater rate than the protocol revenue generated by the grouping.
The lack of ETH liquidity on Osmosis has a subsequent impact on liquidity only connected to ETH, such as the protocol-owned ERC-20 token liquidity, established in Proposal 802, and wstETH liquidity, a premium collateral asset which is currently at cap on Mars.
Requested Deployment
This proposal asks for:
- 16.47 ETH, in the form of
- 13.75 ETH
- 2.72 ETH.axl
- 0.47 BTC
Both sets of assets have been accumulated through Osmosis taker fees.
This liquidity, valued at approximately $99,000, will substantially increase the ETH/BTC liquidity available on Osmosis. This will allow the ETH market to develop further while generating yield for the community pool.
This liquidity would be deployed into a newly created Locust Vault for ETH/BTC via the Osmosis Liquidity subDAO
Locust Vault Parameters
- Target Pool 1982 (ETH/BTC, 0.01%)
- Spread -2.5%/-2.5%
- Reposition trigger 0.5%
- Performance Fee of 15%
The receipt token for the vault deposits and any excess BTC or ETH will be transferred back to the Osmosis Community Pool.
Risk Analysis
- Community pool exposure to Bitcoin and ETH
- Initial exposure remains the same as this proposal has no new purchases.
- Risk: Value ratios could increase or decrease significantly from current levels, leading to a loss of up to 16.47 ETH or 0.47 BTC previously accumulated by the Osmosis community pool.
- Mitigation: The Locust vault repositions liquidity to retain inventory, so a large ratio movement would be required to lose the all inventory of one side.
- Community pool exposure to Alloyed Ethereum
- Risk: There is an increased risk to the 2.72 ETH.axl due to increased exposure to multiple sources of Ethereum.
- Mitigation: Inter-chain and intra-alloy rate limits. In the event of a security issue involving the ETH Alloy the Community Pool should include this position's ETH holding in any resolution proposal to make users whole.
- Mitigation: Adding ETH.axl to the alloy supports Alloyed BTC liquidity, allowing more varied liquidity to enter and exit the alloy more easily.
- Risk: There is an increased risk to the 2.72 ETH.axl due to increased exposure to multiple sources of Ethereum.
- Community Pool asset exposure to smart contracts
- Mitigation: Margined smart contracts have recently completed audit.
- Mitigation: Locust uses the same mechanism for repositioning liquidity in volatile deployments for the previous LST support deployments, the difference being that there is no target price for the pairing.
- Community Pool asset exposure within liquidity pools
- Mitigation: While adding liquidity to pools adds a layer of risk compared to native asset deployment, the Osmosis Concentrated Liquidity pools have been live with no security events for over a year.
- Use of Multisig for execution
- Mitigation: This 4/6 multisig has previously been used to deploy liquidity in other proposals, acting as an intermediary to perform multi-stage or time-dependant transactions, such as adding liquidity to a pool with a ratio of assets that will vary before a five-day Osmosis governance proposal is completed.
Success Metrics
- Volume facilitated through position
- Fees earned (LP + taker)
- Slippage reduction during volatile periods
- Market share of Ethereum trading volume
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