This proposal would adjust the set of Superfluid pools to support the OSMO decoupling initiative and encourage the migration of assets from variant to alloyed assets.
While Superfluid can be used for users to hold OSMO and another token long-term while contributing to the security of the chain, the set of pools included was reduced heavily in Proposal 807 to a core set of assets.
Since this proposal, incentives have been removed from all OSMO pairings except stable pairings Proposal 824 as part of the OSMO decoupling initiative, which aims to increase the independence of the OSMO token from the previous routing strategy.
This includes Stable tokens such as USDC and USDT and high market cap tokens such as BTC, ETH, and SOL.
In addition, alloy assets are increasingly used in Osmosis as the main representative of these assets. Maintaining Superfluid on the variant pools and not on the Alloy pairings gives an incentive not to migrate, restricting the growth of Alloys over these previously approved variants.
This proposal would remove Superfluid from all currently approved pools, except USDC pairings.
Superfluid Pools to be Removed
cl/pool/1066 0.2%
cl/pool/1090 0.2%
cl/pool/1430 0.01%
cl/pool/1134 0.2%
cl/pool/1281 0.05%
cl/pool/1477 0.01%
cl/pool/1135 0.2%
cl/pool/1265 0.05%
cl/pool/1399 0.01%
cl/pool/1400 0%
cl/pool/1248 0.2%
cl/pool/1347 0.05%
cl/pool/1432 0.2%
cl/pool/1433 0.05%
cl/pool/1434 0.01%
stOSMOThis should have been removed in Proposal 807 but was missed in the parameters in error