Proposal Details

Proposal #819


Proposal title

Remove Quote Asset whitelisting requirement for Supercharged Pools

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Proposal #819 description

This proposal signals the removal of the need for Concentrated Liquidity pools to contain a whitelisted Quote asset and signals the adjustment of the

parameter to allow exemption from pool creation fees.


A whitelist of Quote Assets was used to simplify the routing calculations by restricting the range of Supercharged pools created. This list requires all pairings to contain a Quote asset and so swaps between non-Quote assets must either perform multiple hops through a common Quote asset, use a non-whitelisted pool creation such as Classic XYK or Cosmwasm pools, or utilize the Custom Supercharged Pool Creation subDAO approved in Proposal 675 to create linked pairings.

Current Quote assets are:

  • USDC (Noble)
  • USDT (Alloyed)
  • DAI (Axelar)
  • WBTC (Axelar)
  • WBTC (Native)
  • ETH (Axelar)
  • ATOM
  • TIA
  • OSMO

As routing calculations have improved and Supercharged pools have matured this proposal asks that this restriction be lifted to allow Supercharged pool creation of a wider range of pairings.

This would be implemented in a future software upgrade proposal as the use of a whitelist or not is not currently a parameter onchain.

Impact on Previous Quote asset linked proposals

670 - Preapprove Incentives for Quote Asset Pairings Incentives are currently automatically approved for Quote asset pairings. This adjusts the current whitelist for automatically Incentivized pairings to the Quote Asset pairings in use before this proposal passes.

675 - Allow Custom Creation subDAO to create Supercharged pools without Quote asset requirements While this proposal allows the creation of any Supercharged pairings, this proposal will also signal the

parameter to also allow exemption from the pool creation fee. This parameter currently only contains the Pool Creation subDAO and would allow the bulk rollout of new listings and pool types using common pairings at no cost by retaining some elevated functionality for this permission. This would also be implemented in a future software upgrade proposal, independent of the Quote asset whitelist removal deployment.

Forum Thread:

Proposal #819 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO