Proposal Details

Proposal #808


Proposal title

Clean up CWPool Whitelist

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #808 description

This is a maintenance proposal to remove legacy CosmWasm pools from the creation whitelist.

CosmWasm Pools

The CosmWasm pool module allows the creation and management of liquidity pools backed by CosmWasm smart contracts that are fully integrated within the main Osmosis pool structure. This allows new experimental pools types to be implemented without a software upgrade and quickly iterated upon.

Current Whitelist

Code IDPoolUsage
148Transmuter 1.0Used for several equivalent pools that will not be migrated
254Transmuter 2.0No instances
503WW 1.0No instances
572WW 1.0.1No instances
580Astroport 1.01 instance, no assets present
641WW 1.0.210 instances - Active
666Astroport 1.0.11 instance, no assets present
773Astroport 1.0.2No instances
814Transmuter 3.03 Instances - May be migrated in future
839Orderbooks 1.0No instances
842Astroport 1.0.312 instances - Active
867Transmuter 3.1Active
885Orderbooks 2.0Active

Proposed Changes

This proposal removes the obsolete versions of Transmuter, White Whale, Astroport and Orderbook pools to simplify the maintenance of routers and to prevent the creation of pools based on legacy codes which have since been patched.

New Whitelist

Code IDPool
641WW 1.0.2
842Astroport 1.0.3
867Transmuter 3.1
885Orderbooks 2.0

Target Onchain date: 11th July 2024

Forum Thread:

Proposal #808 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO