Proposal Details

Proposal #685


Proposal title

FortyTwo Auto-compounder Whitelisted Address for Deployment

Submit time

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Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #685 description

This proposal grants the address osmo1gl4tggugtxyx6ft0l6dtfghg4sgl7fpxc06xptr7txtny6u4jjsscc7yqt the ability to upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis without needing further governance approval for each upload. This address is managed by the Fortytwo team as a multisig.

Contracts This proposal would allow the upload of FortyTwo Vaults on Osmosis. The FortyTwo auto-compounding vault is a yield optimizer for automated market making pools. Its core functionality is very simple: Reinvest the rewards accumulated by LP staking. The contract has gone through extensive testing done, with an audit performed by Oak Security. It is already running (in a closed alpha) on Terra2 Astroport and Neutron Astroport (and previously Juno Wyndex before it was deprecated).

The contract is deployed on Our infrastructure provider allows scaling of generalized smart contracts across any CosmWasm-based chain

Permissions This proposal only signals approval for the initial FortyTwo Auto-compounder contracts and their potential upgrades.

About FortyTwo was established with a vision to make crypto and Cosmos easy, by offering an array of products that users LOVE. Our core products include interchain auto-compounding vaults, DEX aggregator (in partnership with Skip Protocol, which routes swaps through Osmosis DEX), a clear Interchain portfolio view, one-click liquid staking and Interchain asset management strategies.

Our team believes in providing user-centric solutions that not only simplify crypto transactions but also optimize returns for our users. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, FortyTwo stays committed to delivering innovative tools and services that cater to both novice and seasoned crypto enthusiasts, as well as corporates and DAOs.

Forum Thread:

Proposal #685 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO