Proposal Details

Proposal #520


Proposal title

Upload Alpine Pay Core Contract

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Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #520 description

Details: The Alpine DApp is a payment platform built on the Osmosis blockchain, designed to facilitate tipping of content creators using Osmosis tokens. Users can show their appreciation by making secure donations and including personalized messages to the content creators they wish to support. The Alpine smart contract enables the core functionality of the DApp. It facilitates the creation and processing of tips, ensuring the secure transfer of Osmosis tokens from the sender to the content creator's wallet address. Additionally, it enables the inclusion of personalized messages, allowing users to express their sentiments to the content creators. To maintain control and governance, the Alpine smart contract will be owned by the Alpine Team. Integration with the Osmosis blockchain is crucial for the Alpine DApp's seamless functioning.

Contract information (Alpine Pay): The git commit Id - The code can be found at - Compiler Version - cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.12.6 Checksum - 6231c33e3380278c15ed70dbe2820f804ae609c93a8375c42e95f842a37a3f11 alpine_pay.wasm

Proposal #520 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO