Proposal Details

Proposal #517


Proposal title

Add Quicksilver qAssets to Osmosis

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #517 description

This is a signaling proposal to request the addition of Quicksilver’s current and future liquid staked assets (qAssets) be listed on the main Osmosis front end, so long as the unstaked version of the token is also listed. This proposal is based on the suggestions made by numerous Osmosis community members.

Quicksilver uses Osmosis as the hub for its liquidity. qATOM, qOSMO, qREGEN, and qSTARS, as well as the project’s native token QCK have their largest pools on Osmosis. qATOM:ATOM has been in the top 10 largest pools for several weeks. Currently, users have to use Osmosis Frontier to access deposits and withdrawals for these tokens, and have difficultly finding them via the search function on the main Osmosis Front End.

The Quicksilver team is posting this proposal at the encouragement of the Osmosis team. We plan to continue to use Osmosis as the hub for qAsset liquidity, including providing external incentives to pools. Therefore, listing current and future Quicksilver qAssets on the front end would facilitate liquidity growth on Osmosis via qAssets.

This is a signaling proposal to indicate to the Osmosis core contributors the community’s interest in listing these assets on the main Osmosis front end. If it passes, the Osmosis contributors will update the front end to list current and future Quicksilver assets.

Commonwealth Proposal:

Proposal #517 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO