Proposal Details

Proposal #515


Proposal title

Allow Calculated Finance contracts to be uploaded

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Proposal #515 description

This proposal gives the address osmo1r02tlyyaqs6tmrfa4jf37t7ewuxr57qp8ghzly the ability to upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis without seeking further governance approval for each upload. This address is administered by the Calculated Finance protocol core contributors.

Calculated Finance’s Osmosis contracts have been audited by Oak Security. The finalized audit report can be found here: Finance/2023-05-23 Audit Report - Calculated Finance v1.1.pdf

These contracts include risk management and smart swap tools that are perfectly complementary to Osmosis’ DEX and overall decentralized vision. These tools allow users to modify recurring swap amounts and actions based on relevant data; for example, modify swap amount as a linear transformation based on a custom multiplier relevant to asset price. These tools also allow extra functionality and control things such as setting price ceilings, price floors, slippage, swap intervals, amount, swap coefficients, and more. Additionally, it allows users to take actions post-swap such as autostaking of OSMO, or lending accepted assets to Mars protocol.

Governance approval for contract upload was originally intended to keep the set of DApps running on Osmosis consistent with its objective of being a DeFi hub for the Interchain and as Calculated Finance is a perfect complimentary product to this vision it is reasonable to grant contract upload permissions.

While this proposal gives authority for osmo1r02tlyyaqs6tmrfa4jf37t7ewuxr57qp8ghzly to permissionlessly upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis, governance only signals approval for contracts relating to the function of Calculated Finance’s swap and auxiliary swap products.

About Calculated Finance

Calculated Finance is building the smartest way to enter and exit positions complimented with pre and post-swap actions to save time and counter emotional decision-making. Initially deployed on the Kujira blockchain, Calculated Finance aims to expand into more networks connected by IBC, and ultimately to EVM and other blockchains. All swaps on the Osmosis network are routed through the Osmosis DEX increasing transactions, volume, and overall interaction.


Smarter crypto swaps for everyone, regardless of their familiarity with financial markets or their account balance without forging self-custody.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide equal financial opportunity and access for everyone through a suite of decentralized investment tools that help users make the smartest possible swaps and increase their chances of positive investment returns.


Calculated Finance exists to improve crypto investment returns by offering intelligent on-chain tools to accumulate and take profit in a more calculated and intelligent way. We remove the riskiest part of investing; emotions, and help people make smarter swaps without removing custody.

Community Values

  • We believe in equal financial opportunity and access
  • We believe in a decentralized ecosystem free for all to use without KYC
  • We want to challenge emotionally driven decisions - Marketing and hype are designed to make you feel a particular way for a reason
  • Sustainable long-term decisions > hacks and easy wins
  • Build awesome products that solve real community needs
  • Co-design everything with the community and always back the early believers
  • Lead with action, not with words.

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Commonwealth Thread:

Proposal #515 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO