Proposal Details

Proposal #474


Proposal title

Upload Autonomy Network Registry Stake Contract V2

Submit time

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Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #474 description


The Autonomy registry contract has successfully gone through testnet and is now ready to launch onto the Osmosis mainnet

About Autonomy Registry:

This proposal deploys the necessary code on-chain to deploy Autonomy Network as a base system to automate any on-chain action with any on-chain condition. Things are generally automated by using the Autonomy Registry in conjunction with a wrapper contract around some system - for example like a wrapper around the Osmosis DEX that allows for limits and stops on Osmosis. A 2nd simultaneous proposal will deploy the wrapper contract to add limits and stops to Osmosis. This was previously proposed in proposal 342 and proposal 343 but both were rejected because the code in proposal 343 was the wrong code being uploaded by accident. Since then, the code has gone through some improvements and an audit, and has been working well on testnet ( More info at


The source code can be found in this repository.

Compile Instructions

The binary is compiled at commit d050df1 using

. The following command is used:

docker run --rm -v \"$(pwd)\":/code \\ --mount type=volume,source=\"$(basename \"$(pwd)\")_cache\",target=/code/target \\ --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \\ cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.8

Checksum of the contracts are following.

# Intermediate 2443f923abd18671c42cb524c98f0711cfc1df6ce71f8261f1987c1d0d8917d2 ./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/registry_stake.wasm # Optimized 7ae0d235e6d80e6326b8a6546f8d826c2ea9c01bcba5cda89d3cf27f0f77835f registry_stake.wasm

Verify On-chain Contract

We encourage voters to independently validate that the binary code proposed on-chain matches the Rust source code. The following command may be helpful:

osmosisd q gov proposal $id --output json \\ | jq -r .content.wasm_byte_code \\ | base64 -d \\ | gzip -dc \\ | sha256sum

Proposal #474 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,600 OSMO