Proposal Details

Proposal #8


Proposal title

ERIS Protocol Join the Ride Proposal

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #8 description

The purpose of this grant proposal is to allocate 5 million WHALE tokens in funding from the Migaloo community pool to build a long term and vested relationship with ERIS protocol.

ERIS protocol has been at the forefront of delivering DeFi products on the Migaloo blockchain and continues to develop key products on Migaloo while also integrating WhiteWhale on any external chains.

Amplifier and Amp Governance - completed Alliance GUI - completed Amp Z Arb Vaults Leverage Vaults Alliance Layer

The 5 million WHALE tokens will be sent to a multi-sig controlled by the Migaloo team. The funds will be vested quarterly over two years. (ERIS has agreed with clawback conditions)

To learn more about this grant proposal read our Medium article @

Proposal #8 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
25,000 WHALE