Proposal Details

Proposal #2


Proposal title

Migaloo Upgrade v2

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #2 description

This network upgrade brings the following changes to Migaloo:

  • Alliance Module
  • CosmWasm 1.2.1
  • Token-Factory upgrades
  • State-Sync bug fix

Alliance Module The Alliance module is an open-source tool developed by TFL that utilizes interchain staking to create economic alliances between blockchains. It is a crucial element in realizing the Migaloo and White Whale vision. Adopting this technology early on can lead to significant opportunities within our ecosystem.

Vote YES to approve the upgrade. Vote NO to disapprove the upgrade. Vote NO WITH VETO to disapprove the upgrade and forfeit the proposal deposits. Vote ABSTAIN to abstain from the decision.

Proposal #2 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
25,000 WHALE