Proposal Details
Proposal #17
Proposal title
Alliance Whitelist: VT (Virtual Alliance)
Submit time
Deposit end time
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Tally result
Proposal #17 description
Objective: The Migaloo Foundation proposes to whitelist the Virtual Alliance Token (VT) on Migaloo. Reward Weighting: The Migaloo Foundation seeks to assign VT a reward weight 0.05. This will allow the Foundation to support vital ecosystem areas without generating extra token inflation. Initial Asset Whitelisting:
- 75% WHALE/USDC LP: This will provide robust liquidity for Migaloo's primary pool.
- 20% mUSDC: This encourages deposits into Ginkou, fortifying the lending and borrowing of amp and bone assets. These benefits extend to several liquid staking products from Backbone Labs and Eris Protocol, White Whale satellite markets, and Migaloo's NFT marketplace.
- 5% ASH: This percentage supports the narrative of burning the whale.
Ownership & Control: The Migaloo Foundation retains control over the smart contract and the gauge, ensuring thoughtful testing and prompt decision-making. Eventually, the Foundation will provide a path for increased decentralization.
Proposal #17 overview
Total votes
Total deposit
25,000 WHALE