Proposal Details
Proposal #496
Proposal title
Modify ticker for TRADFI PERP market
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #496 description
This proposal, if passed, will change the on-chain ticker for the TRADFI/USDT PERP market (0x2236b4cd97300c79fca5c2fff4b647ab24a6d48c1554255ff8ec7cf29429ba74) to reflect the appropriate ticker.
- By voting 'YES' on this proposal, you support changing the ticker for the TRADFI/USDT PERP Market as described above.
- By voting 'NO' on the proposal, you do not support changing the ticker for the TRADFI/USDT PERP Market as described above.
- By voting 'NO WITH VETO', you find this proposal to be spam/irrelevant/malicious, and support burning the 100 INJ deposit, if No With Veto votes are greater than ⅓ of the total voting power.
- By voting 'ABSTAIN', you wish to contribute to quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Injective Labs team.
Proposal #496 overview
Total votes
Total deposit
100 INJ