Proposal Details
Proposal #405
Proposal title
Disbursement of OLP rewards for epoch ended on 13 May 2024
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #405 description
If passed, this proposal confirms the final Open Liquidity Program market maker performance of epoch 32 as well as the distribution of 39500.284 INJ tokens, of which 19500.289 INJ are the OLP vested amount from epoch 29, and 19999.995 INJ are 50% of the OLP rewards allocated to epoch 32. The remaining OLP rewards of epoch 32 will be disbursed along with the rewards disbursement of epoch 35. The recipient must still be an active participant of the program in order to receive future disbursements. For a further breakdown of rewards refer to the IPFS link: