
Identity service

Proposal Details

Proposal #44


Proposal title

Increasing DEX Liquidity - Rd 2

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #44 description

The cCDAO propose a second Community Pool spend of 1,000,000 $CHEQ (One Million) to support a mixed approach of direct liquidity provision (CHEQ - USDC/T pairs to Osmosis and Uniswap). The tokens will be held by the cCDAO in a multi-sig wallet. Different than Rd 1|Prop-39, the rewards from the LP may be used to support the function of the cCDAO more broadly, e.g., compensating member time inputs, and funding new and existing activities.

NOTE: this activity has already received the support from >21 (>60%) cCDAO members.

Authors: Luke and Minch.

Proposal #44 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
8,000 CHEQ