In the Akash Network the total number of validators is currently capped at 64. This number was chosen in the whitepaper “AKT: Akash Network Token and Mining Economics” and used for the network launch as a suitable balance between decentralisation and validator quality.
Due to the impressive stability exhibited by the network since launch and through the upgrade to akashnet-2, and as a result of the quantity of experienced validators who have signalled their intention to join the active set, we believe it is time to increase the validator cap to 75.
75 has been chosen and supported through community engagement including in the forum at the following link as a number that again balances decentralisation with validator quality.
If successful, this proposal will result in the automatic update of the max_validators parameter in the staking module to 75 and the instant promotion of the next 11 validators by voting power into the active set. No network halt or upgrade will be required.
Future increases to the validator set will be handled again by on-chain proposal once the time is deemed right.