Akash Network


Proposal Details

Proposal #274


Proposal title

Developer Onboarding Funding Proposal 3 (Zealy)

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #274 description

Developer Onboarding Funding Proposal 3 (Zealy)

Github Discussion

The Akash Zealy campaign is an incentive program designed to encourage direct contributions to the Akash network and enhance education about the platform. It focuses on incentivizing developers and contributors through structured missions and rewards, increasing engagement from core and new contributors, and maintaining regular community involvement through meetings and feedback.

Managed by a community manager and an administrator with a monthly budget of $6,500 USD, the project aims to strengthen and grow the Akash ecosystem through active community participation and education. *Read “The Budget” Section below for a full breakdown of the costs of this campaign.

After 2 successful campaigns and 1 pilot, we believe we’ve gained enough insights to make this campaign more effective, cheaper and sustainable for the Akash community. The missions “User’s journey”

We designed a new “user journey”, a comprehensive path that guides new users through several key aspects of Akash Network:

  • Introduce users to Akash: Start by educating them about what Akash is and its core concepts, with quizzes and polls to test participants knowledge

  • Guide them through different tools like Akash Chat and Console

  • Encourage active participation: Lead users towards contributing valuable PR’s on Github, starring repo’s and joining other Working groups

  • Foster ongoing engagement: Motivate users to explore more advanced aspects of the Akash ecosystem by becoming insiders or participating in bounties

  • See missions offering for phase 3.0 image1 image2

  • Welcome to Zealy Mission

  • Join Akash socials

  • Discover Akash Network: The Super Cloud

  • Explore the Foundations and Evolution of Akash Network

  • Explore Akash Chat: The Decentralized Alternative

  • Star Akash Network GitHub repo’s

  • Deploy on Akash using Akash Console

  • WG and SIGs missions

  • Join the Akash Insiders

  • Bounties on Akash This journey aims to transform newcomers into active, knowledgeable members of the Akash community. By structuring the onboarding process in this way, we can ensure that users gain a solid understanding of Akash, hands-on experience with the platform, and community initiatives.

Another benefit is that a lower number of missions will reduce our workload, margin for errors, system abuse and the cost of this campaign for the Akash community.

The budget

For the next 3 months of campaigns we propose a $6,500 USD monthly budget, ($19,500 USD or 6,500 AKT for the length of the campaign). This is a 10% cut from previous campaigns and includes:

2 contributors pay - $1,500 USD each / month, total $3,000 USD / month Rewards - $3,000 USD / month Zealy subscription and other costs - $1,000 split between 3 months *We'll base all payments in USD for ease and clarity with a 10% buffer in case of volatility.

The team

Robert Del Rey - InstaFinanzas: 2 years old Akash insider, with vast experience leading projects. Will be responsible for managing missions, reviews, report issues, contact Zealy support when applicable, assists users on Discord and more tasks. Benji - Piber Dev: 3 years old Akash insider, with experience as a tech support through the Vanguard Program and as an open-source developer. Will be reviewing technical missions, assisting with technical questions, and making sure everything is running as smoothly as possible during technical difficulties.

As a reminder:

The Akash Dev School Zealy campaign is being conducted for several important reasons:

To incentivize direct contributions to Akash: The campaign aims to encourage developers and contributors to actively participate in the Akash network through structured missions and rewards. To enhance education: The project focuses on improving knowledge about Akash among participants. To increase engagement: A key goal is to boost engagement from developers and core contributors, which is measured through metrics like unique users, retention rate, and GitHub pull requests. To maintain community involvement: Regular communication and meetings are part of the campaign to keep the community engaged and involved in the project's progress.


The Akash Developer Onboarding Program on Zealy has proven to be a successful initiative, driving engagement, education, and contributions within the Akash ecosystem. With the proposed Phase 3.0, we aim to build upon this success while optimizing for efficiency and sustainability.

Key points of the new proposal include:

A streamlined "user journey" designed to guide participants from newcomers to active contributors A reduced budget to $6,500 USD per month, representing a 10% cut from previous campaigns A focused team of experienced Akash insiders to manage and support the program By implementing these changes, we expect to maintain the program's effectiveness in onboarding new talent, fostering community growth, and driving meaningful contributions to the Akash network. This refined approach will ensure the long-term viability of the Developer Onboarding Program while continuing to serve as a vital component of Akash's community-driven development strategy.

We invite the Akash community to review this proposal and provide feedback as we work together to enhance and grow the Akash ecosystem through active participation and education.

Proposal #274 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 AKT

Proposal #274 votes



Account Address

2Stakewolle.com | Auto-compoundYes
6Kalia NetworkYes
7Defi Dojo ValidationYes
8Aurora StakingYes
9Neta DAOYes
12✅ CryptoCrew ValidatorsAbstain
13Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝Yes
16POSTHUMAN 🧬 StakeDropAbstain
17EZ StakingYes
18Cypher CoreYes
21Chorus OneYes
23Tedcrypto.io 🧸 | TedLottoYes
26Vitwit (Previously Witval)Yes
27Crypto Lab TechYes
28Consensus OneYes
29Blocc DynamicsYes
34Akash AfYes
35AutoStake 🛡️ Slash ProtectedAbstain
38Architect NodesYes
39PoS NodeYes
41Arcturian TechYes
45Cosmic Validator | Auto CompoundYes
46Active NodesYes
47Frens (🤝,🤝)Yes
48Decloud Nodes LabYes
50Jormungand | 0yYes
51Oni ⛩️ | Stake for BoostDrop™ 🚀Yes
55Army IDsYes
56Oldcat - airdrop DHK every monthYes
58GATA HUBAbstain
59Cosmonaut Stakes 🤖Yes
64ECO Stake 🌱 | REStake.appYes
66Smart Stake 📈📊Abstain
