Akash Network


Proposal Details

Proposal #270


Proposal title

Akash Payments [Console 2.0] Funding Request

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #270 description


Akash Network launched in 2020 and has experienced explosive growth over the last few years, partly due to being open-sourced fully in late 2023. Today, Akash Network organization has over 350 contributors building across 49 repositories coordinated and led by the Overclock Labs team through 11 special interest groups, working groups, and user groups. This achievement is monumental and should be celebrated, especially as we focus on the actual output: 2 major acquisitions, multiple web2 and web3 AI platform partnerships, university research collaborations, 11 network upgrades, and nearly 100 completed issues and over 200 discussions spanning more than four years.


With a growing codebase driven by an ever-larger feature set, Akash Network is more complex than ever and this complexity will only increase over time. As the community of contributors continues to grow, coordination becomes more challenging, costs rise, and development velocity slows. These challenges are further heightened for user-facing clients like the Akash Console as it is the Akash Supercloud's direct user interface. Adoption starts and ends with user experience and the Akash Console is the tip of that spear.


Since 2016, Overclock Labs has fully borne the cost of development and support of Akash Network. Overclock Labs continues to fund most of these costs today and will continue to bear significant portions of the administrative, development, and marketing costs. Today, Overclock Labs is asking the community to help fund the design, development and testing efforts associated with the Payment features ("Frictionless Free Trial" and "Fiat Payment") of the Akash Console 2.0 roadmap. Please review discussions in Github.

Responsibilities & Requirements

  • Commit time and resources towards development, integration, and ongoing maintenance of Akash Console and its customizations for Akash Network

  • Provide support and code management to the community

  • Provide responsible and open reporting on the conversion of AKT to USD

  • Builds tools necessary for the maintenance and support of Akash Console for Akash Network

  • Possess deep, proven knowledge of the Akash Network codebase, which covers development work under these primary repositories

  • Be an experienced full stack development team with years of experience with React based applications

  • Possess extensive open-source development experience on the Akash Network code base

  • Should have extensive experience managing the community.

  • Should be publicly known and respected within the Akash Community.

  • Should have contributed to the Akash open-source repositories.

Supplementing Overclock Labs' treasury expenditures and Akash Network's development efforts will help support more open-source contributors and accelerate Akash Networks' efforts to achieve cloud parity.


For 2024, Overclock Labs will request $313,126.55. This represents approximately 29% of this project's total cost of $1,066,442.13. This proposal covers work started June 24, 2024, through the MVP's launch, estimated to be, October 25, 2024. This percentage breakout is an aggregation of personnel multiplied by the amount of time spent on this effort vs other efforts. For example, the core engineering team may work on this project 75% of the time and other efforts 25% of the time.

This request is broken down as follows:

AEP 2 - Payments [Console2.0]

ItemTotal CostRequest from CP
Estimated engineering hours4,920.001,651.71
Engineering rate per hour$100.02$93.38
Engineering total cost$492,079.65$154,235.51
Estimated support hours1,405.71365.49
Support rate per hour$75.96$59.10
Support total cost$106,775.99$21,599.26
Labor Subtotal$598,855.64$175,834.76
Operational Overage$89,828.35$26,375.21
AKT Volatility Buffer (33.08%)*$198,101.45$58,166.14
CA state tax (USA)$53,897.01$15,825.13
Federal tax (USA)$125,759.68$36,925.30
Tax, Vol & Overage Subtotal$467,586.49$137,291.78
Grand Total$1,066,442.13$313,126.55

*AKT volatility buffer This buffer accounts for the historical daily volatility of AKT measured over the last 30 days leading up to September 30, 2024. By providing a more substantial buffer against potential downswings in AKT, we mitigate the need to request any budget shortfalls through subsequent proposals. In the event of excess funds above the US dollar amount of labor, taxes, and overage, all remaining AKT will be returned to the community promptly after completing the proposal.


Akash Network has been live for almost 4 years and we have made incredible strides in decentralizing development, coordination, and funding.

As proposed in AKT 2.0, which received overwhelming support from the community, we proposed formally funding technical Research, Development, and Support done by the Akash Core Team and administered by Overclock Labs. As bolstered by proposals 211, 240, and 241, the Community Pool will continue to be well-funded as Akash Network accelerates its development.

As with all previous funding proposals, unused funds will be returned to the community.

Limited Market Impact & Transparent Reporting

Limited Market Impact

Overclock Labs will custody the requested funds in a new, distinct wallet so that funds from any other source are not commingled.

All funds will be liquidated and managed in a manner that ensures minimal impact on the market. These funds will be managed with the same care and attention as all previous Community Funding Proposals with liquidations done in a fashion that will not adversely affect the market. In practice, the effort of this liquidation will add depth to the AKT market for buyers looking to enter.

Transparent Reporting

All costs and records will be made publicly available through reports to ensure maximum transparency and accountability.

Proposal #270 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 AKT

Proposal #270 votes



Account Address

1Stakewolle.com | Auto-compoundYes
2Kalia NetworkYes
4Neta DAOYes
6Akash AfYes
7Crypto and CoffeeYes
8Chorus OneYes
10AutoStake 🛡️ Slash ProtectedYes
11✅ CryptoCrew ValidatorsAbstain
12Jormungand | 0yYes
16Blocc DynamicsYes
175.0 Validator | AirdropYes
18Architect NodesYes
20POSTHUMAN 🧬 StakeDropYes
22Aurora StakingYes
24Vitwit (Previously Witval)Yes
27Praetor AppYes
30Oldcat - airdrop DHK every monthYes
31Autonomy ( Formerly PrithviDevs )Abstain
33PoS NodeYes
34Decloud Nodes LabYes
37Cosmonaut Stakes 🤖Yes
39Arcturian TechYes
40Frens (🤝,🤝)Yes
43Smart Stake 📈📊Yes
46Cosmic Validator | Auto CompoundYes
49Tedcrypto.io 🧸 | TedLottoYes
50GATA HUBAbstain
52ECO Stake 🌱 | REStake.appYes
54Active NodesYes
59Stake Frites 🥩 🍟Yes
61Nocturnal LabsYes
62WhisperNode 🤐Yes
64Army IDsYes
