Proposal Details
Proposal #26
Proposal title
Increase the minimum commission rate to 5%
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #26 description
0% or low commissions are known to be bad for the health of the network. By setting up a minimum commission rate, it will help to build a healthier network environment and promote decentralization of Akash network. 5% has been accepted by a wide range of Cosmos community in Osmosis, Juno, Chihuahua, to name a few.
If this proposal is passed, the software of Akash network will be needed to be updated so that commission of all validators lower than 5% will be increased to the minimum automatically. Validators with commission rate lower than 5% should increase their commission rate to 5% as a gentlemen agreemnt before the required network upgrade.