Proposal Details
Proposal #232
Proposal title
2023 Q4 Community Support Proposal
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #232 description
This proposal is a simplified version of the previous community support proposal and includes only a request for Q4 community support resourcing.
Please review previous proposal for details on each of the below resourcing requests.
This proposal includes resourcing requests for:
- Insiders & Vanguards Program
- Community Bounties
- Community Note Takers
2023 Community Budget
The full overview of community funds requested to support this program can be found here. Current spend for community support can be found here.
2023 (Q3+Q4) Community Budget TLDR:
- Vanguards: $54,000 paid in AKT
- Community Rewards/Bounties/Support: $30,000 paid in AKT
- SIG & WG Note Takers: $6,500 USD paid in AKT
Quarterly Breakdown:
Budget will be taken out and proposed quarterly in new governance proposals. Each quarter budget will be reviewed and proposed given community fund resources and market conditions. Overclock labs will control the wallet. Any funds not used will be returned to the community pool.
Q4 Breakdown
- Vanguards: $27,000 paid in AKT
- Community Rewards/Bounties/Support: $15,000 paid in AKT
- SIG & WG Note Takers: $3,250 paid in AKT
Total requirement for Q4: $45,250 paid in AKT
- Remaining wallet balance: 29,008.19 AKT or $25,150.10 (Spot price on 22 Sep of $0.867/AKT)
- Additional amount required: $20,099.90
Total budget request for Q4 2023 is $30,099.90 or 34,717.30 AKT (Spot price on 22 Sep of $0.867/AKT)
- $10,000 above the amount required is requested to help ensure any volatility will not affect the requirements quoted in $USD. Any funds not used will be returned to the community pool.
Wallet Address: akash1rd0l9fkzwyavj36gg3wlf4qv037u33qv6npx0l