Proposal Details
Proposal #21
Proposal title
Infaltion Update 4.0
Submit time
Deposit end time
Voting start time
Voting end time
Tally result
Proposal #21 description
Overview/nOur last inflation update was submitted earlier this year on 1/05/2022 and went live on 1/19/2022, which made the following changes: /nInflation Max: from 40% to 25% /nInflation Min: from 25% to 15% /n/nFull details of the last proposal can be found here /n/nSince the dynamic inflation feature that was supposed to be released with Mainnet 3 didn’t make it into production due to technical issues, we will be submitting consistent proposals until dynamic inflation is up and running. /n/nTotal AKT supply at the time of this writing is 191,393,848 vs a modeled AKT supply of 180,584,729, which is a difference of roughly ~11 million AKT. This difference, before inflation proposal 3 (in January 2022), was ~10 million AKT and indicates that the difference between actual vs modeled inflation is no longer accelerating, but decelerating. /n/n# Proposal /nTo keep on track, we are proposing the following changes with the 4th inflation update: /nInflation Max: from 25% to 15% /n Inflation Min: from 15% to 5% /n/n # Looking Ahead /nLooking ahead, we’ll likely submit one (1) inflation update roughly once every 3 months with inflation proposal 5 going up for voting in/around September/October of 2022.
Proposal #21 overview
Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 AKT