Akash Network


Proposal Details

Proposal #208


Proposal title

2023 Q3 Community Support Proposal

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #208 description

Community Support Proposal


The Akash community is vast. It spans across geographic regions and social media channels. This is a good thing! The more people who follow Akash activities, the more likely they introduce new community members to the ecosystem. However, with the ever growing size of the Akash community, the ability for community support, engagement and education becomes difficult at scale.

This proposal includes three current and future initiatives that are meant to support the Akash Community

  1. Insiders & Vanguards Program

The Akash Insider’s program launched with much fanfare in late 2021. The initial concept of the program was to find community members who have either been actively engaged in Akash related activities or onboard community members who have shown interest in participating in Akash activities. We initially onboarded 10 Insiders. Since then it has grown to 50 across the globe.

The Akash Vanguards program launched in mid-2022. Vanguards are the Akash community's most engaged members. It is a small group of highly active and supportive community members. Currently we have 9 Akash Vanguards

Insider Responsibilities

There are no requirements to join the Insiders community. It is completely volunteer based with optional activities. That being said, there is one unwritten rule for joining the program. It is expected that if you apply and join, you will be fairly active in community engagements. Examples but not limited to - Share feedback, highlight issues, join calls, provide community support.

Vanguard Responsibilities

The Akash Vanguards program has requirements to join. However, requirements are incentivized. A full overview of the program can be found here.

Insider Rewards

Since there are no requirements to join the program, there are no standardized rewards, incentives or a salary for joining the program. However, there are ad hoc activities that are optional to get involved in that can have rewards attached. Ex: Testnet support, blog bounties, Akash feature updates, ect. Insiders will be able to receive rewards from the Community Rewards & Bounties section of funding.

Vanguard Rewards

Since the Vanguard’s program has requirements attached to it, there are rewards given to members. Full details can be found on the Vanguards Overview.

  1. Community Rewards & Bounties

This proposal includes a fund specifically for community members that want to contribute to the Akash ecosystem through bounties. Bounties include any effort that contributes to the Akash ecosystem both technical and non technical. Bounties will be decided on through conversations happening in the various SIG and WG calls and discussions on Discord. This also gives an opportunity for Insiders to receive funding for their efforts. Community Rewards & Bounties will be split into 5 subcategories (Community, Website, Console, Bugs, and Miscellaneous) and will be reported on by category to ensure transparency and help continuously evaluate the program.

  1. Community Note Takers

With the launch of the Akash community's open framework for development, there are now numerous ways and opportunities to contribute to Akash. To make contributions easier for the community to get involved with Special Interest groups and Working groups have been formed to encourage contributions. Their groups have regular meetings where the community comes to consensus on how things should get accomplished. Each meeting is recorded for posterity, In addition to recording, notes are taken for those in the community that would like to review. Community members are incentivized to take notes. The budget included in this proposal includes rewards for note takers within the community.

**2023 Community Budget **

The full overview of community funds requested to support this program can be found here.

2023 (Q3 & Q4) Community Budget TLDR:

Vanguards: $54,000 paid in AKT ($1k per Vanguard per month)

Community Rewards & Bounties: $30,000 paid in AKT ($5k per month)

SIG & WG Note Takers: $6,500 USD paid in AKT ($50 per note)

Quarterly Breakdown:

Budget will be taken out and proposed quarterly in new governance proposals.. Each quarter budget will be reviewed and proposed given community fund resources and market conditions. Overclock labs will be the custodian of the funds. Any funds not used will be returned to the community pool.

**Q3: **$45,250

**Q4: **$45,250

**Total Budget: **$90,500 USD paid in AKT

**Q3 Budget Request: **$45,250 or 76,307 AKT (Spot price on 7 Jul 23 of $0.593/AKT)

Operational notes:

  1. Overclock Labs will custody the requested funds in the Community Support wallet address provided below.
  2. All payments are to be made in AKT which means liquidation/off-ramping of wallet funds are not required.
  3. Any unspent funds will be returned to the community pool or be accounted for in future quarterly community spend requests

AKT Address: akash1rd0l9fkzwyavj36gg3wlf4qv037u33qv6npx0l


  • By voting YES, you agree to take community pool resources for funding these community programs for Q3 and signal intent for Q4.
  • By voting NO, you disagree that community pool resources should be used for these community proposals
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you express no opinion on the matter.

Proposal #208 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 AKT

Proposal #208 votes



Account Address

1Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝Yes
4Neta DAOYes
5Vitwit (Previously Witval)Yes
9Informal SystemsYes
10Simply StakingYes
11Chorus OneYes
14[ block pane ]Yes
15Easy 2 StakeYes
19Nocturnal LabsYes
21Decloud Nodes LabYes
22Inactive: pls undelegateYes
25OmniFlix NetworkYes
26BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS)Abstain
27Cosmonaut Stakes 🤖Yes
28ECO Stake 🌱 | REStake.appYes
29TRGC (By Liquify)Yes
38AutoStake 🛡️ Slash ProtectedYes
39Smart Stake 📈📊Abstain
40Stakewolle.com | Auto-compoundYes
44Active NodesYes
46Bit Cat🐱Yes
47POSTHUMAN 🧬 StakeDropYes
48Stake Frites 🥩 🍟Yes
50PoS NodeYes
52Cosmic Validator | Auto CompoundYes
53Autonomy ( Formerly PrithviDevs )Yes
58Army IDsYes
60Kalia NetworkYes
