Proposal Details
Proposal #207
Proposal title
2023 Q3 Akash Events Resourcing Proposal
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Proposal #207 description
Q3 Akash Events Resourcing Proposal
Akash Network participation at large (eg - 1000+ attendee) In-person events are an important marketing, engineering, business development, community, investor relations and relationship building tactic. With this being the case we launched a community Events Working Group in late January 2023 with members of the Overclock labs team, Akash Insider's and greater Akash community representatives to debate, discuss and define what events are of significant importance for Akash to have a presence in 2023. The below proposal is based off of that work and specific to Q3 2023 Akash events.
Deep Dive : Proposal Development
Event Selection
As a working group, we selected which events to attend through the filter of three categories.
- Cloud events (Including AI)
- Crypto events (established crypto events e.g. - been around for more than a few years.)
- Cosmos events
Once these categories were established we reviewed worksheets listing all events of importance in 2023 Example and filtered down to community defined important events for Akash. After community review, this left us with 7 total events to attend in Q3 2023. Budget
We defined event participation and cost into three categories.
Tier One events - These events will include a sponsorship to the main event or a side event and separate Akash owned meetup. Estimated Cost: $55,378.06/event
Tier Two events - These events will not include a sponsorship or an Akash owned meetup. Estimated Cost: $30,838.30/event
Event overage - Overage are events that we don't know about yet, but would potentially need a budget for attending. Estimated Cost: 5% of event
How things will get paid
The budget will be put into a community wallet quarterly that Overclock labs will steward. The wallet information will be public and resources used for events will be reported out quarterly.
Members of the Overclock labs team that attend events will expense the cost of event attendance directly to Overclock Labs and Overclock Labs will return resources from the events wallet back to the company.
Akash community members that attend events will be given an estimated amount of AKT equal to USD for each event they attend as laid out in the full proposal document here
Q3 2023 Events Budget
The total resources allocated from the community pool will be $21,650.22 for Q3 or 35,963.82 AKT based on spot prices ($0.602 as of 26 Jun). This number takes into account the budget not used for Q2 events and the addition of state and federal taxes.
Operational notes
- Overclock Labs will custody the requested funds in the events wallet address provided below.
- Responsible management of AKT received: the AKT funds received may not be liquidated immediately or not at all if market conditions are weak. If AKT is not sold, funding for events that require fiat or stables can be initially covered by Overclock Labs. If and when market conditions are strong, the right to liquidate these AKT to fund the events is reserved.
- Overclock Labs will be stewards of the funding and at times cover the upfront costs of event participation in USD
- All event spend estimates and actual costs can be reviewed here.
Event Participation
Community participation defined in previous event proposal Full definitions of each role can be found in the 2023 event proposal document
Additional Notes:
- We only spent 25% of our Q2 event proposal budget. As mentioned in our first proposal, we expect to spend less than what is requested.
- Previous and upcoming event spend can be viewed here: Public Budget Tracker
- After further discussions and analysis we’ve added 29.84% on top of costs to cover Overclock labs tax liability. 21% Federal and 8.84% California - This cover’s tax liabilities for event attendees (e.g. not required to pay taxes on reimbursements)
- By voting YES, you agree -- Approval for the full funding amount and -- Authorize the community pool to disburse $21,650.22 USD or 35,963.82 AKT for Q3 event funding to a publicly visible wallet.
- By voting NO, you disagree that community pool resources should be used for event funding.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you express no opinion on the matter.
AKT Wallet Address: akash1lal8sdqmknk2qchmn8u4f2d2r5u0dm6jhje4u7