Akash Network


Proposal Details

Proposal #187


Proposal title

2023 Akash Events Resourcing Proposal

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #187 description


We launched a community Events Working Group in late January 2023 with members of the Overclock labs team, Akash Insider's and greater Akash community representatives to debate, discuss and define what events are of significant importance for Akash to have a presence in 2023.

TLDR : Proposal Development

Deep Dive : Proposal Development

Event Selection As a working group, we selected which events to attend through the filter of three categories.

  • Cloud events (Including AI)
  • Crypto events
  • Cosmos events

Once these categories were established we reviewed worksheets listing all events of importance in 2023 Example and filtered down to community defined important events for Akash.


We defined event participation and cost into two categories.

Tier One events - These events will include a sponsorship to the main event or a side event and separate Akash owned meetup.

Tier Two events - These events will not include a sponsorship or an Akash owned meetup.

Highly Suggested events - Events where if there were no Akash presence it could be potentially harmful to the brand, the community and network growth.

Total event costs - Events that would not be harmful if missed, but would still be of massive benefit to attend.

We also included event overage - Overage are events that we don't know about yet, but would potentially need a budget for attending.

How things will get paid

The budget will be put into a community wallet quarterly that Overclock labs will manage. The wallet information will be public and resources used for events will be reported out quarterly.

Members of the Overclock labs team that attend events will expense the cost of event attendance directly to Overclock Labs and Overclock Labs will return resources from the events wallet back to the company.

Akash community members that attend events will be given an estimated amount of AKT equal to USD for each event they attend as laid out in the full proposal document here

The final consideration is who from the community will attend these proposed events. Community member selection discussions will happen openly in the WG-Events working group channel in Discord event by event.

Considerations for Community attendance:

  • Multilingual (ability to speak with local attendees)
  • Akash Technical proficiency (speaking opportunities)
  • Previous event management experience (hosted or volunteered at previous events)
  • Crypto knowledge (understanding of current industry news/trends)

As defined by the proposal, the working group has listed roles for each event Akash attends. The number of attendees will be decided on a case by case basis for each event.

  • Event Manager (manages event logistics and operations)
  • Speaker (ability to be on panels, give talks or workshops)
  • Biz/Dev (connects with business leaders at event)
  • Community support (has one or many talents including, speaking, event management, technical proficiency in Akash)

Full definitions of each role can be found in the event proposal document

Next Steps

With the 2023 events season underway, we are in need of a community governance vote to approve community pool resourcing for Akash event attendance.

Our proposal is to include the highly suggested events + event overage in the resources allocated for Akash events. The total resources allocated from the community pool will then be $313,110 for the year 2023 or 948,818 AKT at current prices. However, this proposal will not request the entire sum all at once. Instead, quarterly governance requests will be made for funding to ensure maximum accountability and to take into account potential price changes in AKT.

Operational notes:

    1. Overclock Labs will custody the requested funds in a new, distinct wallet so that funds from any other source are not commingled.
    1. Responsible management of AKT received: the AKT funds received may not be liquidated immediately or not at all if market conditions are weak. If AKT is not sold, funding for events that require fiat or stables can be initially covered by Overclock Labs. If and when market conditions are strong, the right to liquidate these AKT to fund the events is reserved.
    1. Wallet will be public


  • By voting YES, you agree
    1. Signal initial approval for the full funding amount and
    1. Authorize the community pool to disburse 316,272 AKT for event funding to a publicly visible wallet.
  • By voting NO, you disagree that community pool resources should be used for event funding.
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you express no opinion on the matter.

Proposal #187 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 AKT