Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #63


Proposal title

Formalise usage of Commonwealth for governance

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #63 description

Most proposals go through Commonwealth for review and discussion before arriving on chain. This allows community members to engage with the proposers to understand and provide input and feedback before the proposal is submitted on chain. However, some proposals do not go through Commonwealth, which can lead to proposals arriving on chain that could have been discussed and improved before arriving on chain.

This proposal is to formalise the usage of Juno Commonwealth ( https://commonwealth.im/juno ) for all Juno proposals for a minimum of 3 days before being submitted for a vote on chain. Software upgrade proposals do not need to follow this process.

This requirement should be enforced through the use of NoWithVeto.

Vote YES to approve a three-day mandatory discussion period on commonwealth.

Vote NO to reject a three-day mandatory discussion period on commonwealth.

Vote ABSTAIN to express no interest in the matter.

Vote NOWITHVETO to cause depositors to lose their deposit.

Proposal #63 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,001 JUNO