Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #61


Proposal title

Sunset Liquditiy Incentives for JunoSwap

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #61 description

Sunset Liquditiy Incentives for JunoSwap

The prop 14 multi-sig currently has 1 Million (Roughly 2~ Million $) Juno in funds left in the multi-sig.

Prop 14 originally assigned 3 Million Juno to the incentivization multi-sig in order help booststrap the first AMM on Juno ie. JunoSwap.

JunoSwap has been bootstrapped and it is now time to better make use of the remaining funds in order to amplify liquidity on its major pairs across Cosmos, enabling better interoperability and collaboration with other projects.

By approving this proposal all the incentives for pools JUNO/ATOM JUNO/RAW JUNO/USDC will be interrupeted, and funds will stay in the multisig until new direction from community and waiting for other Dex protocols to deploy.


Incentives on JUNO/RAW will be stopped December 12th

Incentives on JUNO/USDC and JUNO/ATOM will be stopped January 1st

What can I do with my liquidity if proposal passes?

  • Continue providing liquidity on Junoswap and earn rewards + Swap Fees

  • Unbond your liquidity, wait the unbonding time, and move it to Osmosis or any other DEX to earn their rewards + Swap Fees

  • Migrate your LP tokens onto WYND DEX in accordance to the migration plan, no unbonding required. More info here.


By voting YES you agree that Prop 14 incentives should be removed on JunoSwap according to the timetable above.

By voting NO you signal that Prop 14 incentives should continue to stay as is.

By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.

Voting NOWITHVETO expresses that you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of their proposal deposit, and contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold

Proposal #61 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO