Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #57


Proposal title

Implement Price Oracle on Juno

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #57 description

Implement Price Oracle on Juno

This is a signaling proposal regarding the implementation of an on-chain Price Oracle to Juno.

Commonwealth Proposal and Discussions can be seen here and here.


  • A Price Oracle supports many DeFi use cases that are currently difficult (or impossible) to implement on Juno. Many major DeFi protocols depend upon decentralized price feeds to function correctly. This is a rapid solution to provide that functionality.
  • Currently, projects on Juno wanting to access price feeds have to pay excessive fees to access these feeds, which can be prohibitive for a start-up.
  • Implementing a Price Oracle on Juno natively would give Juno (and the community) control over this public good.
  • Even if better solutions come along, this is a rapidly implementable stop-gap solution that can be deployed. Future oracles and providers may improve upon this service.
  • Juno would be the first permissionless CosmWasm chain with an on-chain Price Oracle, which is a valid differentiator for builders seeking to deploy DeFi protocols in a permissionless environment.


  • Validators will have to run additional software to ensure the price oracle is decentralized. Failure to do so will result in soft-slashing, so Juno stakers and validators face a non-zero risk of soft-slashing. Soft-slashing is set at 0.01% on Juno. (The slashing window is an adjustable parameter and will be set conservatively at first to allow validators to gain software familiarity.)
  • Some blockchains have already added price oracles, though none are permissionless. This is a solution that exists on chains such as Kujira and Umee.
  • Oracle TX fees have to be paid from a common pool, and ultimately there is a cost to the community for those tokens.


  • Vote YES if you'd like Juno to implement this Price Oracle solution as per the above.
  • Vote NO if you don't want Juno to implement this Price Oracle solution as per above.
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote for or against the proposal.
  • Voting NOWITHVETO expresses that you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of their proposal deposit, and contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.

Proposal #57 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO