Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #39


Proposal title

Komple Framework, KompleJS & Marketplace Builder Proposal

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #39 description

This is a heavily truncated version of the Komple Framework, KompleJS & Marketplace Builder Proposal.

Please read the full length IPFS proposal here.


We at Komple have experience working with wasm smart contracts and are committed to pushing the technology to its limits.

With Komple, we aim to utilize the potential of Juno Network and CosmWasm by developing new open-source tools for NFT based applications, making them more accessible to the community.

Komple Framework & KompleJS

View documentation here. Make sure to check out our documentation website for more in-depth information.

Komple Framework is a smart contract framework developed with CosmWasm to build out NFT based applications.

Containing different modules such as merge module, dynamic metadata module, p2p swap module and even accommodating custom modules developed by the community, Komple Framework gives developers the tools they need to bring their projects to life.

With KompleJS, developing Javascript applications is easier than ever. It is tightly integrated with Komple Framework releases.

Community-Centric Marketplace Builder

Our community-centric marketplace builder allows for projects to build and configure their own marketplaces without needing to touch a single line of code.

We call this tool Marbu.

Marbu allows DAOs, projects and individuals to shape their projects based on their custom needs.

With the use of modularity and contract interactions made possible by the Komple Framework, all projects within Marbu will have the ability to collaborate, scale up and put creativity first.

While having the tools for such things, projects and Juno community will also benefit from the secondary sale fees - extracting the value they are bringing.

Simply, Marbu aims to be the home of NFT based applications on Juno Network.

Project Timeline

Komple is asking for a total of 320K USD from Juno community. This is to be released gradually, based on projects development and milestone progress.

The milestone system enables a social contract between us and the Juno community. We need to prove ourselves at each milestone.

At the time of this proposal going live, 320K USD is equal to 65440 JUNO.

We've split this process into 4 milestones.

Milestone 1:

Time: 2 months - 80K USD

Initial 40K USD released immediately for kickstarting operations.

Remaining 40K USD will be taken after completing these points:

  • Having v1.0.0 of Komple Framework. Hub, Mint, Token, Metadata, Marketplace, Whitelist, Merge, and Permission modules.
  • Having Marbu initial website designs ready to build.
  • Having Komple Framework testing website designs.

Milestone 2:

Time: 2 months - 80K USD

*Having v1.0.0 of KompleJS based on v1.0.0 of Komple Framework. Having a live Komple Framework testing website for developers, ready to test out applications built with Komple Framework. Starting the Marbu website development.

Milestone 3:

Time: 1 month - 80K USD

  • Having the beta version for Marbu website deployed on testnet.
  • Having the incentivized bug bounties on Marbu website.

Milestone 4:

Time 1 month - 80K USD

  • Finishing the Marbu website and successfully deploying on mainnet.


By voting YES, you agree for 65440 JUNO to be allocated to a multi-sig address (juno1t77h5j4e9rqdpqxtm3ykhrly6td5yp7j9mpn703eyy666kfwf7nquhkmta) managed by Dimi (C-Root), Max (C-Root) and Arda (Komple) to be released based on milestone completion.

By voting NO, you disagree to allocate the requested amount to develop mentioned projects.

By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.

By voting NOWITHVETO, you seek penalizing the proposal depositors by burning their deposit of 1000 JUNO, and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold, which would result in proposal failure if reached.

Proposal #39 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO