Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #304


Proposal title

Increase governance deposit to 5000JUNO

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #304 description

Increase Juno's Deposit Minimum

Commonwealth Thread

With the decline in JUNO's price the past few months, we have seen an uptick in scam proposals making it to voting period. With this, this proposal will update Juno's current governance deposit from 1000JUNO to 5000JUNO if passed. Currently this includes: 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303. All of these are used to phish for users wallet mnemonics and drain their personal funds.

By increasing this, it increases the cost of the attack which makes it unprofitable to execute on. The minimum deposit rate to enter deposit period will remain at the same at 20%, which would now be 1000 JUNO.

If you do not have enough Juno to make a proposal, you can reach out to a Core-1, Core-2, or SubDAO to help get your proposal live.

Voting Options

YES: Agree to proceed with increasing the minimum deposit.

NO: Disagree with this increase of the minimum deposit.

NO WITH VETO: Disagree with the increase and want depositors penalized.

ABSTAIN: Decline to give an opinion on this increase of the minimum deposit.

Proposal #304 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO