Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #295


Proposal title

Juno Upgrade: v15

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #295 description

Juno TokenFactory Upgrade (v15)

This upgrade brings the following major changes to Juno Network:

  • New TokenFactory DenomCreationGasConsume parameter (2 million gas consumption to create a new token)
  • Cleanup for the next release (SDK v47)

This change is required for DeFi contract developers for a simpler UX when using the tokenfactory in their contracts.

Voting Options

YES: Agree to proceed with Juno v15 network upgrade.

NO: Disagree with the Juno v15 network upgrade.

NO WITH VETO: Disagree with the Juno v15 network upgrade and want depositors penalized.

ABSTAIN: Decline to give an opinion on the Juno v15 network upgrade.

Proposal #295 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO