Juno Network

Smart Contracts

Proposal Details

Proposal #287


Proposal title

1/6 Communications SubDAO conferences budget

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #287 description

1/6 Communications SubDAO conferences budget

What is the Juno Communications SubDAO?

Juno Communications SubDAO was created in November 2022, since then the team has been working hard providing quality branding and communication across various Juno official and un-official channels.

Some of the work done so far include the following:

  • New Juno brand identity
  • Weekly community calls (Example)
  • Interviews and Snippets (Example)
  • Twitter coverage with Juno updates (Link)
  • Youtube weekly videos (Channel)
  • Medium articles (Link)
  • Telegram & Discord channels management

The team has been working on a close-to-0 budget till now, using treasury for reimbursing expenses only. You can monitor all the spending proposals submitted on DAO DAO here.

Budget request

With the following proposals, we are asking funding from the community pool to cover conference-related expenses.

The conference season is about to begin, and we would like to participate in some as sponsors and in others as participants. We think that the presence of Juno in these conferences is important, asserting Juno as the leading CosmWasm blockchain in the Interchain Ecosystem and showing off all the good work being put by the Core Development team.

Here is a table of the upcoming conferences, we intend to support, and their corresponding budgeting:

Conference NameDateLocationSponsor BudgetComms Budget
AwesomWasmJuly 12,13Berlin5,000 USD2,000 USD
OsmoConJuly 21Paris15,000 USD1,000 USD
Nebular Hacker HouseJuly 22, 23Paris5,000 USD2,000 USD
Nebular SummitJuly 24, 25Paris9,000 USD2,000 USD
HackWasm ItalySeptember 16th (tbc)Italy8,000 USD0 USD
After-Cosmoverse HackathonOctober 5,6Istanbul15,000 USD2,000 USD

NOTE: Cosmoverse will take place in Istanbul on 2nd-4th of October. Discussion is still ongoing with the organizers and a separate proposal will be submitted when details are ready.

Community Spend

Pure sponsorships costs: 57,000 USD Comms costs: 9,000 USD (500 USD * Person * Day)

Comms Costs include the following

  • Travel & Accommodation
  • Equipment

Total funding requested: 66,000 USD

The funds will go to the Juno Communications SubDAO treasury. For spending purposes, tokens will be sold OTC (Over-the-Counter) or through low-volume-transaction swapping over DEXs when needed. Juno Governance can always recall the funds back to the community pool. Any unspent remaining funds will stay in the SubDAO treasury for future usage.

NOTE: Two conferences are already waiting for contract signing. Until the payment deadline is close, the SubDAO might consider liquid staking the tokens in the mean time.

Voting Procedure for Conferences/Events

We are submitting a total of 6 proposals for the 6 conferences above, community is free to vote on each proposal to signal whether we should support a conference or not.

The budget for every conference is the best deal we were able to come across after negotations and discussions with the organizers; modifying the sponsor packages to best suit our needs and handpicking the necessities.

Juno Communications SubDAO is in favor of supporting the conferences listed above.

This is a signaling proposal to check the community's interest in introducing the proposals for the mentioned conferences. In case if this proposal gets rejected, it would indicate that the community do not want the Communications SubDAO to work on conferences and events at all.

Voting on this proposal

  • By voting YES, you are in support of the work Juno Communications SubDAO is doing to participate in conferences.
  • By voting NO, you are not in support of Juno Communications SubDAO getting involved with conferences and events at all.
  • By voting NO WITH VETO, you find this proposal to be spam/malicious to governance, and additionally contribute towards burning of 1,000 $JUNO proposal deposit and proposal rejection if NoWithVeto votes are greater than one third of the total voting power.
  • By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.

Proposal #287 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
1,000 JUNO