Gravity Bridge


Proposal Details

Proposal #210


Proposal title

Gravity Bridge Bug Bounty #1

Submit time

Deposit end time

Voting start time

Voting end time

Tally result


Proposal #210 description

#Overview A Gravity-Bridge community member by the name of Nathan Kirkland detected a signature malleability vulnerability that would allow a validator to potentially perform a denial of service attack on the chain. A validator could submit a malleable mirror signature and have it accepted into the chain, but it would not be accepted as valid by either the relayer or Ethereum itself. #Context Following the discovery of this vulnerability, a member of the Gravty Bridge team released a patch and it was tested by a group of validators. The patch was successful and the vulnerability was resolved. #Payment Considering the nature of the severity and the potential economic harm it could've done we deem it appropriate to reward the finder of the bug with 1M $GRAVITON tokens ~1700 $USD.

Proposal #210 overview

Total votes
Total deposit
100,001 GRAV